Central Chapter Annual Meeting and Breakfast Social

03/09/2024 08:00 AM - 12:00 PM CT


Please join the Central Chapter for our annual meeting at Sprout in Little Falls! As is tradition, the board will be preparing breakfast for everyone with local food from our farms. We'll explore ideas for farm field days and socials, hear about a new dinner-on-the-farm concept, and hear about farm nutrient management from local consultant, Glen Borgerding. We also hope to be able to introduce our new coordinator for the Central Chapter.


Agenda for the day:
8-9:30am: Potluck Breakfast, Socializing and Idea Generation (using flip charts)
9:30-9:45: Opening comments from Board Chair, Michael Dahlquist, and solicitation for Board member candidates
9:45-10:00am: Amber Aspengren - The Crowded Table 
10:00-11:30am: Plenary: Practical Soil Health and Nutrient Management for Organic Farming - Glen Borgerding
11:30-12:00pm: Vote for new board members; Board meeting to follow

We hope to see you there!


Registration: Free to attend. Registration requested, walkups welcome.

Address: Sprout MN - 609 13th Ave NE #8, Little Falls, MN 56345


SFA staff and volunteers occasionally take photos during our workshops, cafe chats and field days for promotional purposes and to use as documentation of events to share with our funders.  If you do not wish to be photographed, please let our event host know -- we'll make every effort to make sure you are not photographed.